Please note: If your student account is linked to a high school on Scoir, students can request teacher recommendations via the My Colleges page. If you do not see this button on the My Colleges page and you know your school is using Scoir, you may not be linked properly and should reach out to your Counselor. If you are not linked, your Counselor won't know to send documents to colleges on your behalf. Any other students who are not part of a high school using Scoir should follow the directions for requesting recommendations here.
If the person you're requesting to write a recommendation is not in your high school as staff, they won't show up as an option and you'll need to contact your Counselor. The recommender can then send your recommendation directly to your Counselor for them to upload to Scoir.
The status simply shares of the if the request is pending, accepted, declined, or completed. It's not an indicator that it was recieved by the college.
Go to My Colleges > Application Documents. In the Letter of Recommendation section you'll see the statuses of your requests.
If a request has not yet been acted upon by the recipient, a nd you no longer need it, you may select Cancel.
Please be cautious and mindful when requesting and canceling requests in Scoir to your teachers to help avoid delays in completion of recommendations
Once a teacher fulfills your request for a letter of recommendation, you will receive a notification within Scoir!
You can download our Scoir mobile application (on iOS) to receive a push notification once the letter is uploaded. Please again note, this does not mean the document was sent, it simply indicates the letter was uploaded. Your counselor or school supporter will send the documents to your colleges.
Colleges get flooded with documents during the application cycle and it takes time for their team to process these and get student's portals updated. Please be patient! If your school has submitted letters of recommendation on your behalf and the colleges notifies you these are missing, our team will be happy to review. However, Scoir support will not be able to assist with this or any missing application documents sent until after 14 business days with a screenshot of your college portal saying the documents are missing, or an email from the college directly saying the documents are missing forwarded to our team.