Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment

Doctor listening to a female child

The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) service is Medicaid's comprehensive and preventive child health program for individuals under the age of 21. EPSDT guarantees health care resources are available and accessible, and helps Medicaid recipients and their caregivers use them. Health care professionals who work with children in Head Start programs, child care organizations, and clinics may access their state or territory's EPSDT schedule to ensure children's health needs are met.

Most states, territories, and the District of Columbia have adopted the Bright Futures/American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care. This schedule applies if your state or territory is not listed below.

The following states have a customized EPSDT schedule:

See A Guide to the Dental Periodicity Schedule and Oral Exam for details about the dental periodicity schedule and when a child should receive an oral exam.

Consult the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for details about the dental periodicity schedule each state follows.

What You Need to Know

EPSDT is key to ensuring that children and adolescents receive appropriate preventive, dental, mental health, developmental, and specialty services. The EPSDT requirement includes children enrolled in a state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program. States and territories have different names for their EPSDT program, such as Healthy Kids, KanCare, or Husky.