For all those interested in a higher education and obtaining a college degree, college application season opens up as the summer begins to wind down. The SUNY application opens up annually on August 1st, providing students an easy entry point to a future of learning across schools in New York. SUNY has 64 colleges and universities across New York State providing 7,000 degrees and certificate programs to students on campus or online. The SUNY application makes it easy to apply to one or many colleges that offer the degree of your dreams.
In this post, you’ll learn the basics about applying to SUNY:
You can use the SUNY application to apply to undergraduate programs at SUNY. If you are a new student or a transfer student, visit to create an account and get started. When you fill out the SUNY application, make sure you have a list of your campus and program choices
Some campuses have their own application. Graduate applicants must use a campus application, as well.
Yes, you can. Many students use the Common App to apply to SUNY colleges. Twenty-five SUNY schools accept the Common App.
SUNY does not have a single application deadline. But the earlier you apply, the better. We recommend checking the application deadlines at your chosen campuses to ensure a seat in your program of choice and for your best chance at the housing and scholarships you want.
Many SUNY campuses have Early Decision and Early Action deadlines that could help you match to your primary college choice early and eliminate tough decisions later in the cycle.
SUNY does not require SAT or ACT test scores for students applying to bachelor’s degree programs through the fall 2024. SAT and ACT test scores may still be required for select programs, merit scholarships, and student-athletes at some SUNY campuses.
Non-native English speakers may be required to demonstrate English proficiency by submitting scores from SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE tests.
There is a $50 fee for each SUNY campus you list on your SUNY application.
However, the application fee may be waived for certain applicants and programs. Students seeking a fee waiver can submit a request form. Transfer students graduating from SUNY or CUNY with an AA or AS will automatically receive 7 free applications.
New in 2022, any student at a New York State public high school where more than 75% of the student population is eligible for free and reduced-price lunch can automatically receive fee waivers on their applications to up to seven SUNY schools.
After you submit your SUNY application, watch your email! You will see messages from the colleges you’ve applied to with important information about your next steps.
Once you submit your application, make sure you start or finish your FAFSA application for financial aid. Your information will automatically be sent to the colleges you list on the FAFSA form.
If you have any questions about your SUNY application, SUNY’s Recruitment Response Center is ready to answer your call, chat, or email.
Good luck! We can’t wait to see you at SUNY.
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