What is a Live Scan background check? LiveScan is a device that electronically takes your fingerprints and other information, then uploads that information to the FDLE (Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement) who in turn sends them to the FBI for a fingerprint background check.
Why do I need one? Depending on your occupation, the Florida State Legislature and several Florida State Agencies require it to ensure the safety and security of Florida’s children, elderly and general public.
What agencies require Live Scans? Here is a partial list of the agencies
1) AHCA– Agency for Health Care Administration.
2)DCF– Department of Children and Families.
3) Department of Elder Affairs
4) DBPR – Department of Professional Regulation
5) DOH – Florida Department of Health
6) Florida Dept. of Agriculture – Chapter 493
(Concealed weapon permits – Must be done by a law enforcement agency, e.g. sheriff or local police.)
Level 2 Live Scan electronic fingerprinting is a service that electronically sends your finger prints to FDLE who forwards them to the FBI. The results are then sent to the state agency that is requiring the background check. We DO NOT receive the results.