Shasta County Marriage License, CA

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There are two different types of marriage licenses in California, and they can be obtained in two different ways.

Confidential Marriage License and a Public Marriage License:

The following information is required on a marriage license application.

For both spouses, or party A and party B, the information needed for marriage license requirements is below.

Marriage ID Requirement California: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate

A valid photo I.D. with birth date is required (e.g., drivers license, military I.D., passport, or green card, etc.)

Shasta, Shasta County Marriage License, CA

Marriage Waiting Period Requirement California:

There is no waiting period. You will receive your marriage license immediately after you submit your application.

Marriage Residency Requirement California:

You do not need to be a California resident to marry in Shasta County.

Previous Marriages: ✔ Search Marriage | Divorce Records

If there has been a prior marriage for either party, the month, day, and year that marriage ended needs to be known.

Shasta, Shasta County Marriage License, CA

Marriage License Fee California:

It will cost you $72 for a public license and $77 for a confidential license. Payment may be made by cash, preprinted checks, or money orders made payable to Shasta County Clerk. Credit or debit cards are NOT accepted.

Proxy Marriages California:

Marriage by proxy is NOT allowed in California. Family Code, Section 420(a), requires the two parties, marriage officiant and witness if applicable be physically present together in the same location for the marriage to be performed.

Cousin Marriages California:

Yes. First and second cousins may legally marry in California.

Common Law Marriages California:

Shasta, Shasta County Marriage License, CA

Marriage Blood Test California:

Blood tests are NOT required to obtain a marriage license in California.

Name Change California:

Getting a marriage license with your new name on it does not mean your name has automatically changed. If you need to change your last name, you can use an online marriage name change kit.

Shasta, Shasta County Marriage License, CA

Marriage Age Requirement California: ✔ Get Copy Of Birth Certificate

If either party is under 18 years of age, a court order must be obtained prior to issuance of the license by contacting Court Services at 530.225.5707.

Marriage Officiants: » Affordable California Wedding Officiants

California Family Code, Section 400 states the persons authorized to solemnize marriage ceremonies in California are as follows:

The person solemnizing the marriage must return the original marriage license to the County Clerk or County Recorder as applicable within 10 days of the date of the ceremony. Addresses should be on the county site.

You will NOT receive a copy of your marriage license after you have been married unless you request and pay for a certified copy from the County Clerk or County Recorder as applicable.

ALL information on the marriage license MUST be legible, unambiguous and reproducible. DO NOT change any information on the license, cross out information, use white out, etc., as that will require the payment for and issuance of a duplicate marriage license. Contact the County Clerk’s Office if you have questions about completing the marriage license and/or incorrect information contained on the marriage license.

Deputy for a Day:

If you have someone special you would like to perform your wedding ceremony, Shasta County Clerk’s office now offers a Deputy for a Day program. Please review the documents listed below for requirements and procedures. You may bring in a completed application or fill one out in our office.

After you are Married: